"If the sculptor Naim Doumit goes far into his explorations, it is only because he does not content himself with fathoming all what is new in the depth of his being. This is because he realizes that the human conditions which he incarnates in his sculptures, could, alone, bring about aesthetic bliss.
It is only these conditions that cause the contemplator to be in constant harmony with humanity at large, giving him the feeling of being in total stability with his existence.
If we look into human beings, be they children or adults, rich or poor, pacifist or aggressive, anxious or tranquil, we cannot but realize that it is this human being who helps us recognize our true identity and that our understanding of this truth is enough to build bridges of communication between us and our fellow human beings and stirs in us a sentiment of aesthetic tranquility.
It is obvious that what makes us admire the creations of Naim Doumit is not the subject nor the idea through which he portrays the human being, but the ways with which he incarnates that subject and that idea.
Ever-present in all his explorations, Naim doumit appears to us as the interlocutor whom we have chosen for ourselves: honest, faithful, sensitive, friendly and humble, always direct never devious in his self-portrayal.
The sculptors of Naim Doumit unveil every one of us to the other, driving us to get in touch with all that is common between us as Lebanese. His works inspire us also to realize the common grounds we have with the world.
Isn't providing that human communication the true message behind art?"
Joseph Abou Rizk
Aesthetics professor
Faculty of Fine Arts
Lebanese University
Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts
Beirut, Lebanon